
Contrast & Barium Procedures

What are Barium tests (swallow, meal, follow-through) and Barium Enema?

Barium tests along with X-rays help in diagnosing abnormalities in the digestive tract. Barium meal and barium swallow uses barium sulphate powder mixed with water and this mixture is then swallowed. For Barium enema, the above mixture is introduced into the bowel through the rectum. This powder can be seen on X-rays which help to detect any anomaly in the GI tract.

What are IVP, RGU, MCU, ASU etc?

Intravenous pyelography (IVP) is a procedure to check the functioning of the kidneys, by injecting a water soluble contrast intravenously and then monitoring its excretion via serial X-ray images. In Retrograde urethrography (RGU) contrast is used to visualize any lesions in the urethra, by passing dye through the urethral opening. Micturating cystourethrogram (MCU) is a procedure used to detect any reflux of contrast from the urinary bladder, back into the ureter.

What is HSG?

Hysterosalpingography (HSG) is procedure used to check the patency of the fallopian tubes of the uterus. Water soluble contrast is introduced into the cervix through a cannula. Its flow and adequate spill into the peritoneal cavity is monitored using X-rays. The procedure is performed by senior gynaecologists and the films are read by a radiologist.

What preparation is required before these procedures?

Certain procedures like IVP, require a recent serum creatinine report. The HSG procedure is performed only on some particular days in the first half of the menstrual cycle (As directed by your healthcare provider). The patient is advised to carry a sanitary napkin along. These requirements shall be informed to you while booking the appointment.

What is the time taken for the procedure?

Approximately, the time taken for the procedure is 10-30mins. You may be asked to wait to follow up for some more serial scans.

Is it safe?

Since it involves radiation, it is unsafe for pregnant women. Please inform the technician if you are pregnant or think you might be pregnant.

Is an appointment required for the procedure?


When is the report expected?

Within 2 hours of the procedure. You shall be informed in case of any unexpected delays.

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