
- Routine 2D Ultrasound
- 3D/4D Ultrasound
- Obstetric Imaging
- Foetal Echocardiography
- High-frequency musculoskeletal imaging
- Breast Ultrasound (Sonomammography)
- Elastography
- Transvaginal ultrasound
- Transrectal ultrasound
- Cranial Ultrasound
- B-scan
- Sonosalpingography
- Obstetric, upper and lower limb vessels, carotid arteries and renal arteries colour Doppler

Non Vascular Interventions
- Ultrasound-guided FNAC
- Trucut biopsy
- Breast biopsy
- Ascitic tap
- Pleural aspiration
- Pigtail catheter insertion
- Trans-rectal prostate biopsy

Contrast & Barium Procedures
- Enema
- Sinogram with contrast
- Barium tests (swallow, meal, follow-through, enema)
- Loopogram

CT Scan
- 3D imaging
- CT angiography
- Virtual bronchoscopy
- Virtual colonoscopy
- Contrast and non-contrast head and body imaging
- CT enterography

CT Guided Interventions
- CT guided FNAC
- Trucut biopsy
- Bone and vertebral biopsy

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
- Head and body imaging
- Dedicated musculoskeletal coils
- Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA)
- Non contrast peripheral angiography (TOF)
- MR spectroscopy (MRS)
- Breast MRI
- Multiparametric prostate MR
- Dynamic contrast enhanced MRI of the pituitary
- Dynamic imaging for TMJ and flexion/extension of spine
- Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography or MRCP

Digital mammography
Digital Mammography uses low dose X-rays to detect early-stage cancer or any abnormal growth within the structure of the breast.

Digital X-ray
Digital X-ray provides immediate capture, storage and transfer of radiographs through picture archiving communication systems (PACS).