Non Vascular Intervention
What are Ultrasound-guided interventions?
These are procedures that use image guidance for precise and safe insertion of catheters/ drains/ needles etc into the body. They may be diagnostic or therapeutic. They are usually safe and real time ultrasound guidance helps avoid any unnecessary injury to vessels and other important body structures.
What preparation is required before the procedure?
Some procedures like TRUS guided biopsy require dietary restrictions and premedications for upto 2 days prior to the procedure. Certain procedures mandate blood tests like HIV, HCV, HBsAG, PTINR etc. These shall be informed to you while booking the appointment.
What is the time taken for the procedure?
Approximately, time taken for the procedures varies between 10-45 mins depending on the procedure.
Are these procedures safe?
Like all medical procedures, they do possess an inherent risk. These shall be explained to you before you sign an informed consent for the procedure.
Is an appointment required for the procedure?
Please book your appointment in advance, in order to reduce your waiting time at the clinic.
When is the report expected?
The report about the procedure details as well as the tissue/ fluid sample shall be handed over within half an hour, which can then be sent for pathological examination.