What is ultrasound scan?
Ultrasound or sonography is a diagnostic test that uses ultrasound waves to capture the image of organs in the body. The images may be obtained in Grey- mode (B-mode) or colour images using doppler that helps asses flow within the vessels. 3D ultrasound shows three-dimensional static images of the organs in the body. 4D ultrasound shows real-time moving images inside the body.
What preparation is required before the procedure?
Different ultrasound tests require different preparations. For an elective ultrasound of the abdomen, fasting for 4-6 hours is required before the procedure. You can drink water, but avoid tea/coffee/juice etc. You are required to have a full urinary bladder for better assessment of the pelvic organs. No special preparation is required for ultrasound of pregnancy or other body parts.
Is ultrasound safe?
The images are acquired using sound waves. No radiation is involved. Hence it is safe for all age groups and for pregnant women as well as their fetus.
What is the time taken for the procedure?
Approximately, the time taken for the procedure is 15- 30 minutes.
Is an appointment required for the procedure?
Please book your appointment in advance, in order to reduce your waiting time at the clinic. We do cater to walk-in patients. Emergency patients, hospitalized patients, patients with physical disability and geriatric patients are given preference at the clinic.
When is the report expected?
Within 30 mins to 1 hours after the scan. You shall be informed in case of any unexpected delays.
What is Fetal Echocardiography?
Fetal Echocardiography or Fetal 2D echo is an ultrasound test that helps to asses the fetal heart to look for any structural anomaly.
What is Elastography?
Elastography is an imaging test that uses sound waves asses the stiffness and elasticity of tissues and lesions within the body, which helps to characterize them accurately.